Friday, October 29, 2010


The dramatical changed of this contemporary time is thought to be magnified by the fast innovations all over the world.In terms of instructions,technology and even the societal nouns,there are already footprints of the history which then proves that there are really differences in the present from the past.Differences that may be of good causes and effects that may cause harm the humanity and the world where people live in.Philippines as apart of the world goes with the flow of innovation.But if we think a little differ,these changes and innovation are made by with minds of the people.And if ever these changes result in goodness then give thanks to the great minds but if these resulted to harm nobody has the rigth to question the great minds of the people for yourselfis accountable for identifying its goodness and badness.And by this you are aware and concious.


  1. Great post!
    Keep it up!
    God bless and take care..

  2. ^_^whoa^^
    >>>wonderful insights<<<
    >>>great ideas<<<
    >>>keep it up ghurl<<<


  3. magnificent! The way you organized your composition is really great! It is brief and concise. just keep it up and keep broadening your skills in writing! Good luck anyways... :D

  4. wahahahaha .... wow great ideas ..

    keep it up gurl...!!!

    you have wide vocabulary..


  5. Nice coz...

    good job
    for a wonderful post....

    Keep it uP..... :)))))))))
